Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Atmospheric Remote Sensing
Catherine Wespes
- MA in Chemistry, UNamur, 2005
- PhD in Chemistry, ULB, 2010
- Postdoctoral researcher, NCAR, CO, US, 2010-2011
- Postdoctoral researcher with the FNRS, ULB, 2012-present
Research activities and interests
- Infrared Remote sensing of the atmospheric gases
- Chemistry and dynamic processes
- Stratosphere-to-troposphere exchanges
- Atmospheric chemistry and transport modeling (in collaboration with NCAR)
- Plume dispersion modeling
See here.
Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Atmospheric Remote Sensing (SQUARES) (https://squares.ulb.be//),
Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP160/09
50 Av. F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 650 49 87
Université Libre de
Bruxelles – Faculté des Sciences |